Brand Story

Service - from the heart

Good service is " from the heart " , but the real service is able to "want to be in front of customers", Neo Sky hotel   professional service system is always customer-centric, from the heart of the dedicated service, so into the Neo Sky hotel passengers, Can feel the vitality ofNeo Sky hotel. You are light as the feathers of the small things are our heavy as Taishan responsibility and obligations, the core value of the service, all to provide the same warm feeling like home, more holding hands in the care of the respect for the courtesy, we build a rich Perfect service quality, so far from the guests, forget the identity, forget the busy, forget the body in a foreign country. So that the guests to visit the Neo Sky hotel to relax, with the only lust of joy into the bag, free to meet the next journey. We believe that as long as the heart, you can embrace the promise of your return.

Surrounding Attractions
Liuhe Aightseeing Night Market
It is the earliest pedestrian area in southern Taiwan, as well as international sightseeing night market, not only by the people of all ages, even from foreign tourists, also designated to come here to visit, enjoy the food. Therefore, every weekend holiday, sightseeing crowd is always an endless stream, tasting here the most famous, operating more than two or three years of snacks, such as the barrel of rice cakes, smoked barbecue, grass tea, etc. Of the people and tourists, can be a real treat.
Kaohsiung Library
Located in the Minsheng Road Bookstore has been used for more than 30 years of history, the old building does not meet the needs of the people. Therefore, in order to provide a comfortable reading space for Kaohsiung citizens, a collection of rich library books, at the same time due to the construction of special, is actually in the museum tree, tree in the green building, with creative, into the surrounding element shape Regional cultural landscape, to create a new landmark of urban landmarks, to play the green building concept, was awarded the 101st session of the 20th China Architecture Jinshi Award planning and design first prize sure, became a new landmark in Kaohsiung popular!
Kaohsiung Exhibition Hall
Kaohsiung Exhibition Hall is Taiwan's first international port Convention and Exhibition Center, with the most comfortable and advanced facilities, from Taiwan and the world's exhibition units, exhibitors, visitors to provide the highest quality service and to promote Kaohsiung and South Taiwan 's industrial development. In addition, the building has become the first seat of the building to obtain wisdom of the Convention and Exhibition Center, has made seven green building indicators of the candidate certificate.
Love The River
Love the river after the reorganization, no longer issued an unpleasant stench, but will become a tourist destination for everyone. We can come here to take the boat of love, visit the whole view of the river, the night slowly breeze blowing, you can hold the other half, watching the little neon, ears whisper you my secret words, to spend your Romantic moments.



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Reservation Line:07-5666560 ‧ 0975766785


Night Service Line:

Address:Kaohsiung City Lingya District on the 3rd Road on the 3rd floor of the 23rd (East Villa 85)

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